Michigan Transfer Agreement Delta College

Michigan Transfer Agreement: What Delta College Students Need to Know

As a student at Delta College in Michigan, you may be planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. Whether you`re looking to complete a bachelor`s degree or continue your education in a specific field, it`s important to understand the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA).

The MTA is an agreement between Michigan community colleges and four-year colleges and universities that allows for the transfer of credits from one institution to another. It provides a seamless pathway for students to transfer their credits and ensures that students can count on their previous coursework to satisfy general education requirements at their new institution.

What Does the MTA Include?

The MTA includes a set of core general education requirements that are agreed upon by all participating institutions. These requirements are designed to ensure that students have a well-rounded education that includes a breadth of knowledge across multiple disciplines.

The core requirements of the MTA include:

1. English Composition – One course in college-level English Composition.

2. Humanities – Two courses from two different disciplines in Humanities.

3. Social Sciences – Two courses from two different disciplines in Social Sciences.

4. Natural Sciences – Two courses from two different disciplines in Natural Sciences.

5. Mathematics – One course in Mathematics that meets the college readiness requirements of the new institution.

In addition to these core requirements, the MTA also includes a set of elective courses that students can choose from to fulfill their general education requirements. These elective courses are specific to each participating institution and can be found in the transfer guides provided by those institutions.

How Does the MTA Benefit Delta College Students?

For Delta College students, the MTA provides a clear and direct path to transferring credits to a four-year college or university. By completing the core requirements of the MTA, students can be confident that they will be able to transfer their credits and have those credits count toward their general education requirements at their new institution.

Additionally, the MTA can save students time and money. By completing their general education requirements at Delta College and transferring those credits to their new institution, students can potentially reduce the number of credits they need to complete at the four-year college or university. This can save students both time and money in the long run.

How Can Delta College Students Take Advantage of the MTA?

To take advantage of the MTA, Delta College students need to meet the eligibility requirements for the agreement. To be eligible, students must:

1. Complete at least 30 credit hours at Delta College.

2. Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.

3. Complete all required courses within the core requirements of the MTA.

Once students have met the eligibility requirements, they can work with their academic advisor to ensure that they are meeting the requirements of the MTA. Advisors can help students choose courses that fulfill the core requirements of the MTA and can also provide transfer guides for specific four-year colleges and universities.

In conclusion, the Michigan Transfer Agreement provides a valuable pathway for Delta College students looking to transfer to a four-year college or university. By completing the core requirements of the MTA and meeting the eligibility requirements, students can save time and money and be confident that their credits will transfer seamlessly to their new institution. As a Delta College student, it`s important to work closely with your academic advisor and take advantage of the resources available to you to ensure a successful transfer.