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IconDesignLAB.com Blog | designer | IconDesignLAB.com Blog
How to Talk to Your Designer: 7 Easy Rules

How to Talk to Your Designer: 7 Easy Rules

Correctly define the scope and critique drafts without offending

Even when you order web design from a professional, sometimes you might not understand each other and receive a sub-par result. Why does that happen?
Let’s look not at the designer’s mistakes, but at cases when the customer does something that negatively influences the artist’s motivation. (more…)

How to avoid being fooled by a designer or The 8 ways that designers can trick you

How to avoid being fooled by a designer or The 8 ways that designers can trick you

How do designers deceive their clients? How can you avoid paying through the nose and be left holding the bag? How to choose a graphic designer to avoid a deceit?

Sometimes, designers prove to be uncooperative, and the job goes sideways. This article contains information about our friend’s galling experience and some stunning examples from the Internet that describe the most common ways that designers can deceive their clients. Read this – and learn from the experiences of others to avoid the mistakes other clients made!

At the end of the article is a short checklist you can use to find out whether designer you’re unfamiliar with is trustworthy or not. (more…)